Peggy Burchard-Ballard earned her BFA in printmaking from the University of North Texas where her focus was in intaglio printmaking. She received her MA in Art Therapy Counseling from the University of Southern Illinois - Edwardsville. She worked as an art therapist until 2015 when she left a career in counseling. Ballard’s diverse background in art mediums is reflective in her collages and paintings.
Ballard has won awards for her prints and collages in Texas, Florida, and in the Missouri – Illinois region, including an honorable mention at the 2015 Mary S. Oakley and Lee Lindsay Artists Showcase. In 2017 and 2018 she won the Father Tom Brown Award at Quincy’s downtown Q-Fest. She previously taught printmaking through Arts = Education and at the Quincy Art Center. She is a past adjunct professor at John Wood Community College.
Currently she works as an adjunct professor at Quincy University, Quincy, IL and at Culver Stockton College, Canton, MO.